Wellness Wednesday: My Hearty Vegetable Broth Recipe
Read on to find out how to make both!

A-rate vs B-rate broth
So what do I mean when I say A-rate or B-rate broth? When I say A-rate broth, all I mean is that I’ve collected together a load of fresh vegetables to make a high quality broth to be used for something special such as the Christmas gravy or a noodle soup! For this I will collect together handfuls of vegetables from the garden, plus some organic vegetables from a farm-shop if needed, and will turn them into a yummy broth using the recipe below. The veggies are also roasted prior to simmering, which helps to add a rich and delicious flavour.
B-rate broth on the other hand just means that I’ve collected together some veg scraps to make a broth that is almost as yummy as the A-rate broth, but is better suited to being used in place of shop-bought stocks in many other recipes, such as curries. It’s essentially FREE to make, and a great way of getting goodness out of veggie scraps that otherwise might have been destined for the bin!
How to have a constant supply of homemade broth
When doing some online research before making my first ever vegetable broth, I came across a wonderful tip; every time you cook, collect the vegetable scraps in a stasher bag. So whether you’re making an omelette, a stir fry or a mac and cheese, any veg scraps such as the ends of onions or carrot peels can be saved and added to a stasher bag in your freezer. Once you’ve got a full bag of scraps, simply make a stock using the recipe below, and then store your ‘B-rate broth’ in a glass bottle in the fridge until you need it. Repeat again and again for a constant supply of additive-free stock that can be added to stews and curries! You can also use the vegetables that you used for your trivet from a Sunday roast to make stock in this way and the flavours will be perfect to use with your gravy for next weeks roast – so you’re in a constant stock > gravy cycle!

Here is a very loose ingredients list, as you can chuck in any vegetables you have to hand! Making a vegetable broth is a great way to use up veg that’s past its best, or if you have a glut of homegrown veg that you don’t know what to do with.
Depending on the size of cooking pot you have to hand, you can double up or even triple this recipe to make litres and litres of yummy broth!
1-2 onions
1 bulb of garlic
2-3 sticks of celery
2 carrots
Frozen veg scraps (optional)
Any other veg you’ve got such as kale, chard, peas etc
Herbs & spices such as bay leaves, fresh rosemary, whole peppercorns (optional)
Olive oil & salt

To get maximum flavour out of your veg, I recommend searing or roasting all of your veg in advance. If you’re short of time however, you can skip that step and chuck your raw veg straight in the pan
1 – Preheat your oven to around 180C
2 – Cut your vegetables into rough chunks (no need to peel them in advance!) and place in an oven tray with a drizzle of olive oil & a good pinch of flaky salt
3 – Roast your veg for around 30 mins. Less-dense veg such as kale may only need around 18 mins
4 – Meanwhile, get a large pan of water heating up
5 – Once your veg is cooked, remove from the oven and add to your pan of water
6 – Leave your stock simmering for 1-3hrs
7 – Strain your stock into a suitable container – don’t accidentally pour away the liquid!!
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