My hair is naturally straight yet poofy..l I’m not sure that’s the technical term but that’s just how it is. There’s no real volume other than the frizz, and if I don’t straighten my hair then I slowly turn more and more into Hermione Granger as the day wears on – it’s not a pretty sight. Having said that, I’ve always gone for cheaper straighteners because my hair isn’t exactly hard to straighten. Curling, that’s a different story, but I’d been pretty happy with my non-GHD straighteners for a long while. However, once I saw the GHD Eclipse stylers, it was love at first sight.
Firstly – I mean, just look at them! They are so pretty. They’ve been completely re-designed and the outside doesn’t get hot so you can grip them – but the irons heat up to the optimum temperature of 185º – which suits all hair types. There are heat sensors on the sides of the plates which alter the temperature depending on how much hair you’ve clamped and the new technology which GHD have been improving for the past few years means you can speed the stylers through your hair and hair is noticeably softer and more shiny. The plates are also less ‘snaggy’ than old GHDs that I’ve tried, they don’t pull on your hair meaning you can curl and straighten with absolute ease.
I have to be honest actually, I’ve not yet mastered curling with them – I’m useless at curling my hair full stop, and I’m sure it’s no reflection on the GHD Eclipse stylers, because friends that have perfect waves all accredit them to the Eclipse, perhaps the GHD Curve would be something for me to try? Let me know if you’ve tried it!
For me, the biggest Pro points of the GHD Eclipse stylers are the speed at which you can do your hair – they heat up in under a minute, and even thick locks like mine are straightened (or de-frizzed) in under 5 minutes. They come with a beautiful Rose Gold heat-proof carry case as well as a rubber lid to keep them clamped together, and they make such a beautiful gift set! The Limited Edition Rose Gold Roll Mat is still available on – so I’d add it to your Christmas Wishlist before it sells out!
The Cons are that I’m still finding it tricky to curl, but as I said, it’s not them, it’s me. I’m useless at curling but I will continue to try! They are pricey too, so definitely one to drop some hints for at Christmas!
My overall veridic is that I adore the new GHD Eclipse Stylers, they are beautiful, functional, and every girl needs a great set of straighteners. If you are in need of an update with your old straighteners, then these would be the ones I recommend you get – and don’t wait around for a cheaper alternative because GHD have patented the technology that makes them so great for 20 years, yikes!
You can get the GHD Eclipse Stylers (£145 with the Rose Gold Mat), as well as other lovely GHD products in Rose Gold sets from
What are your thoughts? Do you love them as much as I do?