Your June Gardening Jobs

Your June Gardening Jobs

June is a month of growth, beauty and productivity in the garden, and whilst it’s a busy month in terms of gardening tasks, it’s also important to stop to smell the roses (literally!!) and take the time to enjoy all of your hard work. By now, you should be able to enjoy the delicious first early crops that you’ve sown in earlier months; is there anything better than a freshly picked mangetout – or that feeling of heading into your garden to see what you can add to your breakfast or lunch? It’s a time when everything is growing rapidly, so there’s plenty to be doing this month in the garden!


Successional Sowing

Successional sowing means sowing crops little and often, rather than all in one go, to ensure a steady supply of crops throughout the growing season, rather than them all being ready at once! Crops that should be sown successionally include fast growing crops such as radishes, carrots and spring onions; crops that are prone to bolting in warm weather such as spinach and rocket; and even some longer fruiting crops such as beans and peas can be sown in a couple of batches to extend their season. Your fast growing crops can be sown every few weeks to form a continuous supply, and the great thing is that these crops can often fit around your slower crops; for example you could sow radish in your courgette or squash area before those plants get big.

Weed Control

Allowing a few ‘weeds’ to remain in your garden, such as daisies in your lawn, or some cow parsley along your driveway is beneficial for the biodiversity of your garden and will attract pollinators which will benefit your vegetables. It is important however to keep your vegetable area free from weeds, as you don’t want other plants to compete for nutrients with your vegetables. Furthermore, a lot of plant cover will give slugs and snails a place to hide, which is never good! A good quality hand hoe is an excellent way to remove weeds, while a knife such as a hori hori is great for removing more sturdy weed roots.

Feed Vegetables

Fruit & vegetable crops need a continuous supply of nutrients through the growing season to stay productive. Leafy vegetables need a balanced feed such as organic liquid seaweed feed, whilst fruiting vegetables such as tomatoes need a feed which is higher in nitrogen, such as Tomorlite tomato feed. Be sure to check how often each crop needs feeding, as overfeeding can be just as problematic as underfeeding!



Check out this post if you’d like to know my favourite garden centres!


Pick Regularly

Cut-and-come-again crops are crops that you can pick from regularly and they will continue to be productive; many will even increase their production the more you pick! Cut-and-come again crops include varieties of lettuce, spinach, chard and kale. With these crops, the best approach is to pick the larger outer leaves, leaving the centre of the plant intact. This will allow the plant to keep growing and supplying you with more tasty leaves. Picking regularly from these crops will also reduce the chance of them bolting, meaning you’ll get to enjoy your harvest for longer.

Support Your Plants

By June, some of your perennials such as peonies, hollyhocks and delphiniums will have become very tall and might need staking to keep them upright. Annuals such as cosmos may also need staking. There are many options when it comes to staking; you could forage some fallen hazel twigs from the woods and tie your plants to them using string, you could use bamboo canes, or you could place a net held up with sticks within your border, allowing your plants to grow up through the net (hiding the net from view). Climbing plants will also need support; remember to keep tying in your climbers to their supports through the growing season.

Sow Biennials

Biennials are plants that take two years to grow from seed to fruition, meaning they flower in their second year of life. Biennials include foxgloves, honesty, wallflowers and sweet williams. June is the perfect time to sow these plants, and if sown now, they will flower in June 2026, meaning some patience is required! Sow your biennials in seed trays and plant them out in your borders later this summer. Be sure to choose hardy varieties otherwise they may not survive outside during winter.