Charlie’s Homemade Baked Beans Recipe
A lovely homemade brunch is the perfect way to start a relaxed Sunday morning at home. One of the things that Charlie loves to make for us for brunch is his posh baked beans. Baked beans are easy to make, delicious and with this meal alone, you’ll get much closer to your 40-plants-per-week goal. If you’ve got a spare 30 minutes or so and try out this recipe, you’ll never reach for a can of baked beans again; and don’t scrimp on the ingredients – it’s the quality of the ingredients used that really make this dish sing!

3 Jars of Organic Beans (I used Butter Beans, White Beans and Queen Carlin Beans) we get ours from Pipers Farm and you can use code JOSIE10 for a little discount!
1 Large Red Onion, Finely Diced
3 Cloves of Garlic, Finely Diced (get £15 off organic Riverford Veg here)
A Glug of Olive Oil
1 Jar of Passata
A Handful of Fresh Coriander
1 Tin of Chopped Tomatoes
A Glug of Worcester Sauce
A Sprinkle of Dried Oregano
A Pinch of Smoked Paprika
A Pinch of Chilli Flakes
Salt & Pepper
Toasted Sourdough to Serve

Heat a large pan over medium heat, add a glug of olive oil, your diced onions and a good pinch of salt.
Allow your onions to sauté for a few minutes, and then add your diced garlic, along with a pinch of smoked paprika and chilli flakes.
While you allow that to cook for a few more minutes, rinse your beans under cold water.
Add your passata and chopped tomatoes and bring to a simmer.
Stir in your beans, a sprinkle of dried oregano and a dash of Worcester sauce.
Leave to simmer for around 15 minutes, adding salt and pepper to taste.
Meanwhile, slice and toast your sourdough, and top with a little olive oil.
Chop your fresh coriander and stir that in once your beans are ready.
Top each toast with a good helping of baked beans and serve!